F-14 Tomcat Cockpit!
2001 Mar 07 – F-14 Tomcat Cockpit!:
The proposed addition of a flyable F-14 Tomcat to Jane’s F/A-18 has moved past the ‘great idea’ stage to the drawing board with TSH member ‘Slider’ beginning work on a 3D mesh (see the screenshots to the left).
Naturally these are early ‘alpha’ shots and at this stage the team has not been able to gain access to the elusive .3dg format required to bring this cockpit to life. Please note Slider’s earlier comments:
“Also in the works but some way off, a complete F-14D front seat cockpit awaits in 3D Studio max format, just need our programmers to come up with a converter so it can be changed to 3dg format. Be cautioned – this may never materialise as the 3dg format is overwhelmingly complex…”
Alpha Development Shots, New F-14D Tomcat Cockpit Import.