Progress Update
2001 Feb 03 – Progress Update:
Aircraft from Jane’s F-15 have been successfully imported and a problem with the palette has been addressed. Ground vehicles also can be imported.
JayP is working on adding buildings from F-15!
The sound files for F/A-18 have been hacked! We will likely have a tool for editing this file in the near future, great work Datajack!
A problem with the F-14 swing wing not working has been partially addressed. Now when the gear is down the wings are out. With gear up they sweep!! This is when the player flies the aircraft. Before, it did not work like this. AI aircraft display mostly correct sweep behaviour.
Some interesting work on cockpits is being looked at with the idea of having separate pits for different flyable aircraft other than the F/A-18E. – Hornit
Object Import Developement