Team Super Hornet Interview & Update
2001 Jul 06 – Team Super Hornet Interview & Update:
For those of you that may have missed it, Team Super Hornet’s Jim Campisi spoke with SimHQ recently about the work to date. Click here to start reading.
Ok, Ok, I know there have been no updates for a while. Things are slow at this time, and a few of those working on the cockpits have to attend to there own lives right now so it may take a bit longer than we thought. At this time, work progresses slowly on the F-14, and A-10. Ben has done some great work with the addition of ships and appropriate weapons for them. Even some new subs!
The Flight models continue to be a problem and I am not really sure about the state of development as of the last week or so, as the boys have been limited in their time working on this stuff. At some point we will realise some limitations, not sure exactly when that will be.
Once we do, I think we will freeze what we have and get it out without attempting more than is currently on the plate. Thanks for all the interest and mail, there has been a lot! I know this is taking a while, but good things are worth waiting for! Hopefully we will have some newer shots up here shortly! – Hornit
Alpha Development Shots, New F-14D Tomcat Cockpit Import